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Kids Bedroom Reno Recap | Charmer in Alexandra

Kids Bedroom Renovations = a chance for the inner child to have some fun! We have transformed this small narrow room with a lot of colour into a bright, warm, whimsical shared kids bedroom with space for play and sleep! Here is how we renovated our Kids Bedroom in our Charmer from Alexandra.

Tips for a Kids Bedroom Renovation

  1. Consider how you do storage in a kids room. Having storage that the kids can access means they can get what they need and (ideally) put it away when they are finished. The Crates, suitcase toy box, even the kitchen shelves serve as a place to store toys and books.

  2. Decor doesn’t doesn’t need to be crazy expensive. For example, the collection of 17 prints from Little Whimsy and various op shop frames cost a total of $141. I searched through op shops to find pieces like the dolls cot and dresser, and gave them a new look with a new coat of paint.

  3. Spend money where is counts, you will see below in our cost breakdown when it comes to the linen drapes in this space it’s a case of “no expense spared”! Besides bringing texture and natural fabrics into a room to add softness and depth, it provides much needed heat retention and light control (a must for when we need the room dark at the kids bedtime).

Curtain Fabric - Hemptech $858

Curtain Making - Russell Curtains $376

Paint - Resene $436

Light Fitting - Mr Ralph $270

Carpet - Flooring Xtra $655

Custom Made Pull Cord - $25

Total Cost: 2,620.00

See the image gallery of our kids bedroom renovation with a detailed list of all the products and furnishings within this room, so you can create this look in your own home.