Pearson + Projects

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HOW TO Build a Panel Feature Wall

Timeframe: 1 Day (plus painting) |  Tools Required: Circular saw, Miter saw, Finishing Nail Gun, Level, Caulk Gun, Tool belt (tape measure, pencil, nail punch, hammer), Safety equipment (glasses, hearing protection). | Materials Required: 3.75mm MDF to line wall and make smooth, wood/mdf in the width you want for the batten, Finishing nails, Construction glue / liquid nails, wood filler/sandpaper, paintable caulk, Paint | Total Cost: Around $350

In this project, we built a board and batten feature wall in the master bedroom of our Diamond in Richmond renovation - which created a sophisticated and crafted finish to this space. This task is a great way to create a customised feature wall that really stands out. And a great hands on project on the easier end of the DIY scale.